A Guide to Growth-Accelerating Self-Assessments

As 2023 nears its curtain call, ‘tis the season for stillness amidst relentless change to survey interior landscapes before diving into the new year.

I’d like to introduce you to three insightful self-discovery frameworks to guide this reflection by illuminating unseen dimensions of your inner world - those dormant talents, hidden superpowers or unmet needs quietly shaping your days.

Targeted assessments prove invaluable for accelerated personal growth by distilling researched psychometric models down to personalized insights on your unique strengths, blindspots and tendencies you often miss recognizing solo. They spotlight next-level possibilities to then intentionally develop through coaching, community and conscious practice over time.

I’ll provide an in-depth overview of each assessment’s value for catalyzing your capability so you can determine which may best support specific intentions as you lay foundations for continued advancement in 2024 across both work and life. Let’s begin!

The Case For Self-Understanding

First, why does self-understanding matter amidst relentless external change largely outside our control? Consider this analogy - while the winds of the world whip up storms around us, dropping anchor into knowing your inner constitution and wiring grants stability no gale can shake when centered in purpose.

Self-knowledge gifts confidence facing outward ambiguity by clarifying your True North compass bearing to navigate choices. We transcend reactive pinballing when our internal gyroscope locks direction.

So periodic self-assessment offers an invaluable compass recalibration exercise to start each year aligned, especially after turbulence.Think of masterful NBA shooters returning to fundamentals by rehearsing free throws when in slumps. Reconnecting to your core unchanging talents and traits will lead you home again.

Let’s overview three illuminating frameworks to aid this realignment before diving into detailed guidance.

  1. Working Genius - your untapped talent domains

  2. StrengthsFinder - your creative superpowers

  3. Myers-Briggs - your information processing preferences

I’ll also bust myths that self-discovery assessments only box limiting labels without broader context. While some gingerly toe-dip into self-examination, choosing growth calls fully diving in! When intelligently applied, these tools illuminate more than restrict if you let them.

Working Genius: Discovering Hidden Gifts

Courageously exploring our Working Genius offers a perfect starting point for aligning work with our untapped talents that energize us. Often we default into roles based on practical needs or expectations versus innate strengths lying dormant.

This model created by leadership expert Patrick Lencioni examines six archetypes describing work domains where human gifts shine brightly when activated. We each carry dominant hardwiring in two zones that unleash joy, productivity and success when leveraged fully:

  • Wonder - Pondering creative possibilities through imagination

  • Invention - Constructing novel solutions and processes

  • Discernment - Evaluating options and predicting optimal paths

  • Galvanizing - Inspiring groups clearly toward unified action

  • Enablement - Orchestrating behind the scenes coordination flawlessly

  • Tenacity - Persisting through obstacles that stop others

Lencioni notes that misery follows from chronically misaligning activities with our weaker working genius areas, forcing square pegs into round holes. That untapped call echoing from within signals a gap requiring realignment to flourish.

For example, a marketing manager constantly irritated when delivering financial reports may carry Enablement, not Discernment genius. Exploring entirely different roles centered on their exhilaration zones promises peace.

Conversely, flow springs forth when we express dormant gifts now awakened. Imagine the dynamic leadership potential hidden across teams with every member operating from their working genius sweet spots! Yet this starts with self-awareness.

Determining Your Working Genius

While Lencioni offers a formal working genius assessment, asking a few reflective questions can indicate where you likely align before confirming with data:

  • What work activities and projects bring you the most joy, energy and sense of flow? Which drain you?

  • When have you received praise for natural skills versus areas requiring heavy lift?

  • What talents make colleagues seek your guidance and input? Which advice do you seek from others?

  • If building a division from scratch, what role would you confidently assign yourself versus needing to find strong partners to fill?

Naming your probable working genius zones allows intentionally structuring more activities around these domains while delegating lesser areas to capable partners. Your next career pivot may await fully expressing gifts lying dormant within. Lead from your inherent power zones!

Just remember - working genius maps your creator DNA but doesn’t restrict you. Seek continual growth outside comfort zones while still emphasizing strengths. We contain multitudes!

Now let’s examine how StrengthsFinder illuminates complementary insights.

Gallup StrengthsFinder: Unleashing Your Superpowers

Transitioning lenses, meet Gallup’s acclaimed CliftonStrengths assessment highlighting your five most dominant talents from a pool of 34 potential strengths across domains like:

  • Influencing - persuading others through charm

  • Relationship Building - cultivating resonant bonds

  • Maximizer - igniting excellence in others

  • Analytical - objectively processing information

  • Command - stepping up to lead amidst adversity

The top five represent your creative superpowers warranting maximal time investment since they set you apart from the masses when fully energized. Think Michael Jordan playing basketball rather than competitive swimming. Devote effort here to actualize your full potential.

Gallup’s exhaustive research on top performers reaffirms that investing 90% of time fortifying your five core strengths pays massively amplified dividends compared to correcting peripheral weaknesses still scoring modestly. We only have so much gas in the performance engine so point toward runway suited for takeoff!

This often requires courageously rerouting worn career paths status quo expectations imprinted. But convention frequently wastes genius talents called to unconventional applications. Limiting beliefs laughably attempt to constrain life’s infinite possibility!

Determining Your StrengthsFinder Superpowers

While I facilitate immersive StrengthsFinder workshops for hands-on insights with peer exchanges, even five minutes of solo reflection can indicate natural gifts to explore:

  • When do you receive external praise for competencies seeming second nature versus heavy lift?

  • If starting a new division, what first five roles would you confidently assign yourself out the gate?

  • Which historical figures or fictional characters embody your most authentic strengths?

  • What past lessons, wounds or changes clarified core gifts that make you who you are?

Name themes describing your essence. Synthesizing self-perceptions with input from those who know you best illumines blindspots. Soon your signature strengths shine too brightly to ignore any longer. Fan those flames toward bolder application!

But also heed the Assessment's counsel to appreciate complementary partners. For example, “relators” build rapport with clients while “analysts” construct robust technical plans. Link arms while accepting raised eyebrows at your quirky genius!

Now for our final framework centered on personality...

Myers-Briggs MBTI: Appreciating All Expressions

For nearly a century, the Myers-Briggs framework has enlightened patterns in how we process information and interact with the world. It categorizes personalities across 16 types based on whether we orient as:

  • Introverted (I) or Extroverted (E) - drawing energy internally or externally

  • Observant (S) or Intuitive (N) - focusing on granular details versus abstract connections

  • Feeling (F) or Thinking (T) - prioritizing empathy over detached logic

  • Judging (J) or Prospecting (P) - favoring structure versus flexibility

So an ISTJ profiles as Introverted, Observant, Thinking and Judging. Meanwhile, ENFPs align as Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Prospecting. The expressions span wide.

While criticized by skeptics, Myers-Briggs helps codify patterns we see operating across colleague behaviors and motivations driving them. It serves better understanding inherent styles - not rigidly evaluating compatibility apart from situational contexts.

Appreciate all temperaments for their distinctive gifts. For example, detail-obsessed ISTJs administer well-oiled operations. Visionary ENFPs awaken fresh possibilities. Both prove vital through balanced collaboration, not competition or conformity! Lead with curiosity over assumptions.

Sadly, many only reference their abbreviated 4-letter type without embracing nuance like “Turbulent vs. Assertive” traits also shown. We contain multitudes beyond acronyms! However, properly administered Myers-Briggs assessments incorporating life history analysis through 1-on-1 coaching unearth richer insights than some online quizzes imitating gears on the surface.

The goal here serves not boxing limiting labels but rather appreciating needs and motivations driving ALL behavior - including polar opposite expressions from our default - so increased patience and inclusive harmony can enter relationships with more diversity and resilience.

Use Myers-Briggs to identify potential communication blindspots to improve, not tear down those unlike you. Its true value shines here in action.

Owning Your Whole Self

Resist pigeon-holing singular aspects alone into fixed identities. We play multiple ever-evolving social roles just as actors inhabit contrasting characters. I call this phenomena “code-switching personality” as we adjust behaviors to situational expectations akin to speaking multiple languages.

So stay curious about the full spectrum of your untapped range beyond any profile results or early life experiences assumed to permanantly define you. Flowing water carves new paths no matter the channel entered. We only realize a fraction of built-in brilliance in our short time here. How much more remains undiscovered behind surface-level masks?

Let self-assessments illuminate next directions, not confine false limits. Mindfully reflect on identity traits emerging or recessing at each season of life between the stability. Growth itself holds space for continual change.

Welcome back all once disowned parts of yourself seeking integration. Honor the journey wherever it carries you next. No matter the weather, own all within with compassion while also envisioning possibilities still yet unseen over the horizon...then make way. 😊

The Road Ahead: Core Reflection Questions

As we turn the page from 2023 into further mystery, here are a few self-inquiry guideposts to anchor your next steps:

Working Genius

  • What natural working talents internally call for more expression? How might I shift focus to align with untapped gifts?


  • Where might disproportionately investing in my core creative strengths generate exponential impact?


  • What communication style adaptations could increase my leadership influence across diverse groups?


  • What specific intentions or experiements would catalyze my continual self-discovery? Who might guide me on this nonlinear journey ahead?

While this extended piece aimed to illuminate key insights from well validated assessments, true integration unfolds gradually through applying takeaways in your daily flow. I offer personal coaching support for anyone seeking focused accountability, structural development or simply compassionate community along the winding way toward self-mastery. This sacred journey holds enough discovery for all!

When externally buffeted by relentless change, may exploring interior foundations gift you renewed agency and direction. Then as the new year dawns, shine forth brightly from such true nature without hesitation into whatever awaits. The world requires exactly you, utterly unique in all your colorful glory!