Amplify Your Leadership

Cultivate Mental Resilience

Develop Emotional Agility

Experience Mental Clarity

Transform Your Tech Career

with our 7-week Mental Fitness Program

Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Mental Fitness

In the complex tech landscape, mental fitness is your competitive edge.

Our 7-week Positive Intelligence Program empowers you to:

Boost mental fitness to lead with clarity and calm under pressure.

Transform sabotaging thought patterns into opportunities for growth.

Enhance team performance by modeling emotional intelligence.

Achieve sustainable success by operating from your most resourceful self.

Amplify the effectiveness of your existing leadership skills and knowledge.

Transform Your mindset

boost performance

lead with AWARENESS

Who Is This For?

  • Professionals seeking to enhance their leadership skills

  • Individuals looking to improve work-life balance

  • Teams aiming to boost collaboration and performance

  • Anyone wanting to overcome self-doubt and negative patterns

Why Choose This Program?

  • Scientifically Validated: Rooted in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and performance science

  • Efficient: Just 15 minutes of daily practice creates lasting change

  • Comprehensive: Addresses both personal and professional growth

  • Practical: Provides immediately applicable tools and techniques

What You'll Gain:

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Understand your inner mind

  • Enhanced Performance: Achieve more with less stress

  • Improved Relationships: Develop stronger connections

  • Greater Resilience: Handle challenges with a positive, creative mindset

  • Grow Emotional Intelligence: Avoid being hijacked by strong emotions


Your 7-week journey to Mental Fitness and Enhanced leadership

Week 1: Boost Self-Command - Learn to pause and choose your response, develop the foundation of mental fitness

Week 2: Intercept the Judge - Identify and manage your inner critic

Week 3: Uncover Accomplice Saboteurs - Recognize subtle self-sabotaging patterns

Week 4: Shift to Sage Perspective - Access your wisdom and creativity

Week 5: Sage Power: Empathize - Strengthen your positive mental muscles and deepen your emotional intelligence

Week 6: Five Sage Powers - Apply mental fitness in real-world scenarios

Week 7: Work and Life Applications - Integrate mental fitness into your daily life and leadership, personal and professional

Program Includes:

  • Access to the Positive Intelligence app (iOS, Android, and web)

  • Weekly 60-minute videos

  • 15-Minutes daily practice

  • Peer and Coach support in exclusive Pod meetings

  • Personalized daily focus

  • Free 1-Week Trial of Grow after program completion

  • Access to program content for 1-Year

Space Is Limited!*

Secure your spot in the upcoming session starting September 16, 2024

*Each program is limited to a maximum of 5 participants

Investment in Your Mental Fitness and Leadership Growth

Premium Leadership Package: $2,500

  • 6-Week Intensive Mental Fitness Program

  • 6 Months of Grow Access

  • Weekly Pod Meetings during the program

  • Monthly Pod Meetings for 6 months post-program

  • Peer and Coach Support

  • Personalized App Experience

Standard Program: $2,000

  • 6-Week Intensive Mental Fitness Program

  • Weekly Pod Meetings

  • Peer and Coach Support

  • Personalized App Experience

  • Post-program: Option to enter Grow

Flying Solo (App Guided): $1,000

  • 6-Week Intensive Mental Fitness Program

  • Personalized App Experience

  • Post-program: Option to enter Grow

Discounts, payment plans, and flexible pricing options are often available. Email with inquiries.

Want to take your growth even further?

Ask about our exclusive 1-on-1 coaching packages

Still Not Sure?

Discover Your Saboteurs For Free

If you're not ready to commit to the full program, take the first step towards mental fitness and book your complimentary Saboteur Discovery Session to get a taste of what's possible with Positive Intelligence.

In this personalized workshop, you'll uncover the thought patterns holding you back and get a taste of how this program can transform your leadership.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The program requires about 15 minutes per day, including a weekly 60-minute video lesson and brief daily exercises.

  • Yes, from team leads to C-suite executives, this program is designed to benefit tech leaders at all levels.

  • Unlike traditional leadership programs that focus solely on tools, techniques, and theory, we emphasize mental fitness as the foundation for effective leadership.

    We recognize that even the best leadership models are ineffective if you're overwhelmed by negative emotions in critical moments.

    This program helps you build the mental muscle to recognize and intercept saboteurs (negative thought patterns), shift to a positive mindset, and think with clear-headed, laser-focused precision.

    By establishing Positive Intelligence as your operating system, you enhance the effectiveness of all your leadership skills and knowledge.

  • By developing your mental fitness, you'll be able to:

    • Respond to challenges with clarity and calm, rather than reactive emotions

    • Enhance your decision-making capabilities, even under pressure

    • Improve your ability to communicate effectively and empathetically

    • Increase your resilience and adaptability in the face of change

    • Boost your overall leadership presence and effectiveness

  • Throughout the program, you'll practice techniques to recognize saboteurs in real-time, allowing you to intercept negative thought patterns as they arise.

    We provide daily exercises and challenges that help you build this mental muscle, making it easier to shift into a positive mindset during actual work situations.

    This practice ensures that you can access your best leadership qualities when they matter most, rather than being hijacked by stress or negative emotions.

  • Absolutely.

    This program offers substantial value beyond the app-only experience, including personalized support and ongoing growth opportunities.

    We also offer flexible pricing options to ensure this transformative experience is accessible to committed leaders.

    Contact us to discuss how we can make this work for you.

  • That would be awesome. Doing this program with your team is likely to grow trust, psychological safety, and communication.

    If you'd like to explore a private program for your team or organization, send me an email at

  • Ed combines deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge mental fitness techniques to help tech leaders unlock their full potential and drive meaningful change in their organizations. See the About section of the site to learn more.

  • Unless otherwise stated or agreed to all programs and coaching will be performed virtually on Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Butter, or other agreed upon platform.

  • Yes, we can definitely arrange to do this with you and me. Get in touch and let's explore!

  • It's not recommended, but if you prefer a self-guided experience I do offer this option with some limited extra coach support. It's really beneficial to do this work with at least one other person if not in a small group. If flying solo is your preference I can accommodate that option, but I would encourage you to reconsider.

© 2023 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved.

POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, PQ COACH™ and P+ logo™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication, or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC.


The coach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent, or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC.

The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach, and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC.