The PQ Assessment

The PQ Score is a measure of how often your mind is working in your favor as a friend, rather than against you as an enemy.

  • This quotient is a percentage, from 1 to 100. A PQ Score of 75 is the tipping point, where your Sage is working for you 75% of the time and your Saboteurs are working against you the remaining 25%. 

  • There are a lot of variables that go into your PQ score and you'll see the number fluctuate by day, circumstances and mood. Taking the assessment over multiple days helps determine a more accurate number for your general PQ strength.

  • Please know we advise taking the PQ Score assessment at least 3 times over 2 weeks, then calculate the average instead of going with 1 metric over another. 

  • If you're looking for more information on the PQ Score, this is located in chapter 8 (page 121) of Shirzad's Positive Intelligence book.

PQ Score Assessment:

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